Thursday, February 17, 2011

Is it Friday Yet?

bjftplbttffpfhgrt.  That's me, drooling on the keyboard.  I can't stay awake and need some toothpicks to keep my eyelids open.  For those of you wondering what happened on Wednesday - we learned more about sanitation, I found out some more stuff I won't ever eat at restaurants again, discovered I will really never eat from any kind of buffet again and I drank a lot of coffee.  I didn't write yesterday because nothing new happened and I went to the gym instead. I also had to study for my Servsafe test.  I'm meeting a friend for dinner and will write more when I have some calories in my stomach.  If I can stay awake that is.

Dinner at Chez Zee was delicious.  They have this pretty tasty Lemon-Rosemary cake, but I think the lemon mascarpone layer cake is better.  ;-)

The Servsafe test is over and I hopefully never have to look at that book again.  The test was 90 questions online and took me about 15-20 minutes to complete.  I passed, yay!  fortunately we were in the computer lab, online, so I was able to get some work done on while I waited, and waited, and waited.  Almost everyone within the next 30 minutes or so and they didn't look depressed, so I'm assuming they passed as well.  There was one certain individual (who has been mentioned before) that took almost the full 2 hours to complete the test.  So I had a lot of internet time that I really would have rather spent baking or sleeping.  Oh well.

They took our ID badge photos today.  Luckily, I had a feeling they were going to do that today, so I wore some makeup and didn't look totally scary.  They keep spelling my last name like it is an M name and not a Mc name.  They don't capitalize the L.  This annoys me, so I asked about it.  I wanted it to be correct on my name badge.  They all looked at me like I was crazy for requesting it, but my name badge is correct and that makes me happy.  I am really washed out in the photo - overexposed according the the person who took the photo, but at least we got your name right, they said.  Hmm.

Once testing and photos were done we got our tool kits.  This was VERY EXCITING.  It is two bags of tons of great stuff.  Oddly (or not), I already own about 85% of the tools, but these are shiny and new.  I forgot how awesome a brand new Microplane can be.  We went through the whole tool kit and talked about what everything is used for, how to handle the knives, what we will actually use for class and what you, my readers, will probably be getting for Christmas - re-gifting at its finest.  There are a number of things in the kit that Chef said to never bring to class because we won't use them.

Once we took our tool kits apart we got to practice some knife skills.  Man I love good knives.  We zested, peeled and learned to supreme (segment) an orange.  For those of you who don't know, orange supremes are just little orange segments with no skin, pith or membrane.  As Chef said, when you pay $25 for a fruit place, you get supremes.  It is always a speed challenge on chef competition shows.  Ours was not about speed and more about technique and mine looked pretty good!  It helps to have a really sharp paring knife.  It was also probably one of the most delicious oranges I have ever eaten.  I made it through the whole process without getting anything on my white coat.  Then I picked up my cutting board and spilled fresh juice all down the front.  At least class was over.  Another girl in my class was laughing at me, until she looked down and saw the same thing on her own coat.  We had a little giggle about that one.  We also learned how to properly wash, rinse and sanitize our dishes.  There is a whole process for washing and air drying the dishes as a team.  It should be interesting to see how it all plays out.

Our class is pretty small and will evidently get smaller over the next few weeks.  I think we are at 12 people right now and will probably end up with 8.  That is really nice for space and Chef time.
I am really excited about baking chocolate chip cookies tomorrow and can't wait to really get in the kitchen.  Hopefully mine will turn out great!  Stay tuned for photos.

May I survive tomorrow and live to bake another day.  Until then, ciao!

-The Queen of Tarts-

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