Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Adventure Begins

I have been researching and visiting Patisserie and Baking programs all over the world for about 2 and a half years now, so I guess it is about time to just get started.  About 2 weeks ago, I decided I should just stay put and attend school at home.  While not the most romantic and impulsive decision, it is the most logical and practical.  I have no idea what the next year truly holds for me or if reading my thoughts will be even remotely interesting to you.  I do hope that writing here will help me process all that I can imagine and that you might be a little entertained along the way.

School starts at 6:30 every morning.  I haven't woken up before 8 am in about 2 years.  I don't mean be at work by 8am or jump out of bed and be functional by 8am.  My usual day entails waking up at 8am, snuggling the puppies for about 30 minutes, stumbling to the kitchen for coffee and doing crossword puzzles until 10am - while still in my pj's.  At least my school uniform is almost like wearing pajamas - really crisp, clean ones, anyway.  The pants could give MC Hammer a run for his money, but at least they are comfortable.  I started practicing going to sleep earlier in an attempt to wake up earlier and really only made it to waking up around 7am, so tomorrow morning is going to be painful.  I have a checklist of all the things I need to do tonight so I can stay on schedule and be asleep by 10:30pm.  This blog was not on the list, so I guess I am already behind.

I am a little nervous and very excited about starting something new, especially something that I am so passionate about.  I am also very hopeful that I will like at least one person in my class.  There were a few at orientation that I am not so sure about, but they may be in Culinary (let's hope).

Since the only people reading this will probably be friends and family, I want to say thank you to those who have been truly supportive of me following my passion.  I can't wait to make you tasty treats!!  Hopefully I will survive tomorrow and live to bake another day.  Until then, ciao!

-The Queen of Tarts-

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