Monday, February 14, 2011

Day One

Being somewhere other than my bed at 6:30 in the morning is just wrong....  But I was so excited about my first day of school that I didn't really hit the wall until about 10:30.  Luckily our chef instructor made loads of coffee, so I got the IV started and survived the class.  We have to learn about sanitation and take a test first, so no baking until Thursday.  It kind of stinks, but I totally understand and am glad that the culinary side takes that class for like 3 weeks.

The crazy person from orientation is, of course, in my class and was up to the same shenanigans again today.  Even our instructor was stumped by one of the questions.  I don't mean stumped as in she didn't know the answer, I mean stumped as in -what is this person asking me and why are they asking it??  At least today it only happened twice in a five hour class.  If we can keep it to 2 nonsense questions per every 5 hours, I might be ok.

While most of the sanitation information is common sense, we did learn something about potatoes that has made me question whether I will ever eat a baked potato in a restaurant ever again.  We also talked a lot about FBI (Food Born Illness) and what physically happens when someone has food poisoning or even worse problems from mishandled food.  Let's just say it's a good thing we didn't cook or bake today.  That's just nasty stuff.  And we talked about it all.  A lot.  That's all I have to say about that.

On a personal note, manfriend has never been a fan of February 14th.  Every year I buy him a gift and make something nice for dinner and he's kind of annoyed by the whole thing (though he does like the gifts).  This year I just didn't have the time or energy to do anything and he doesn't really like it anyway.  Ironically, he decided he should probably do something this year!  We were going out to dinner, but after 5 early hours of class and an afternoon of working on the business ( I wanted to lounge around in my pj's.  I was happily surprised with Chinese takeout, some yummy coffee beans and a new coffee maker!  Brownie points for manfriend this year.  All in all, it was a good day.  I hope I adjust to the new schedule soon as I really felt like a zombie all afternoon.  Going to school and running a business simultaneously are going to take some getting used to.

Yes, it is 9pm and I'm off to take a bath and go to bed.
May I survive tomorrow and live to bake another day.  Until then, ciao!

-The Queen of Tarts-

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