Monday, April 4, 2011

Petit Fours

Today we started a new 3 week block with a new Chef Instructor, Chef Courtney.  We will have her for 2 different blocks for a total of 6 weeks.  I think everyone was a little nervous coming in this morning.  New production items, new methods, some new ingredients, new instructor.  At least we are in our same lab for now, so we know where things are.

This is technically the Petit Fours block, but today we just prepped our Pate Sucree, pastry cream and some Linzer cookie dough to use this week.  We also make the cookies for the Technique Cafe which is the cafe in the school that is open to the public.  Every Monday part of class will be like working in the bakery of a cafe (sort of).  We got to mix dough on the big Hobart mixer, which was awesome.  I totally want one of those.  It was really fun and we accomplished all of our tasks as a class.

Speaking of the class, 12 people passed breads and another one of my friends (other than KG and AT) got an A as well.  So, as a class we fared better than I thought we would in the end.  2 of the 12 didn't show up for school today, so I'm not sure what that means and if we will really be down to 10.

I like Chef Courtney.  She is really laid back and has a good, dry sense of humor.  We are going to need that because this block is going to be pretty intense.  Our final is designing and presenting a Petit Fours platter with 60 Petit Fours - 6 varieties, 10 each.  Yes, I said 60.  So, if I am totally MIA in 2 weeks, you will know why.  I'll be here in Austin, pulling my hair out.

I am still adjusting to my new schedule.  Waking up at 5:30 every morning isn't really that hard anymore, but figuring out how to be on my feet until about noon every day, then run my business and live life is challenging some days.  I am fortunate that I LOVE what I am doing and know the path ahead.  I can't imaging signing up for this and being unsure, even in the slightest.  I look forward to school every day.  I know that all the other parts will fall into place, I'm just ready for them to do so.

Thanks for reading.  Leave a comment every now and then so I know you are out there!  Also, if something looks interesting, let me know.  I am happy to post recipes and techniques.  Hopefully I will survive today and live to bake another day.  Until then, ciao!

-The Queen of Tarts-

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